Combining DataFrames with pandas

In many “real world” situations, the data that we want to use come in multiple files. We often need to combine these files into a single DataFrame to analyze the data. The pandas package provides various methods for combining DataFrames.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to join two DataFrames together using a uniqueID found in both DataFrames
  • Learn how to write out a DataFrame to csv using Pandas
  • Learn how to clean up notebooks and create scripts

Joining DataFrames

If we look back at the surveys_df, we have an unhelpful 2-letter abbreviation for city. Our friends have given us a nice lookup table for the real city name, plus the county and a housing district they use to quantify results. They’ve asked us to clean up the early results so they can see results with the full city name. They’ve also asked that we give them information on low income households in King County.

To work through the examples below, we first need to load the housing_zone and surveys files into pandas DataFrames. In iPython:

import pandas as pd
surveys_df = pd.read_csv("surveys.csv")

city_df = pd.read_csv('city.csv')

For example, the city.csv file that we’ve been working with is a lookup table. This table contains the city_name, housing_zone and county code for most cities in the region. The housing_zone code is unique for each line. The city is identified in our survey data as well using the unique city code. Rather than adding 3 more columns for the city_name, housing_zone and county to each of the 35,549 line Survey data table, we can maintain the shorter table with the housing_zone information. When we want to access that information, we can create a query that joins the additional columns of information to the Survey data.

Storing data in this way has many benefits including:

  1. It ensures consistency in the spelling of city attributes (city_name, housing_zone, and county) given each housing_zone is only entered once. Imagine the possibilities for spelling errors when entering the city_name and housing_zone thousands of times!
  2. It also makes it easy for us to make changes to the housing_zone information once without having to find each instance of it in the larger survey data.
  3. It optimizes the size of our data.

Identifying join keys

To identify appropriate join keys we first need to know which field(s) are shared between the files (DataFrames). We might inspect both DataFrames to identify these columns. If we are lucky, both DataFrames will have columns with the same name that also contain the same data. If we are less lucky, we need to identify a (differently-named) column in each DataFrame that contains the same information.


Index([u'city', u'city_name', u'species', u'county'], dtype='object')


Index([u'record_id', u'month', u'day', u'year', u'district', u'city',
       u'tenure', u'hindfoot_length', u'income'], dtype='object')

In our example, the join key is the column containing the two-letter species identifier, which is called city.

Now that we know the fields with the common housing_zone ID attributes in each DataFrame, we are almost ready to join our data. However, since there are different types of joins, we also need to decide which type of join makes sense for our analysis.

Inner joins

The most common type of join is called an inner join. An inner join combines two DataFrames based on a join key and returns a new DataFrame that contains only those rows that have matching values in both of the original DataFrames.

Inner joins yield a DataFrame that contains only rows where the value being joins exists in BOTH tables. An example of an inner join, adapted from this page is below:

Inner join -- courtesy of

The pandas function for performing joins is called merge and an Inner join is the default option:

merged_inner = pd.merge(left=survey,right=city, left_on='city', right_on='city')
# in this case `city` is the only column name in  both dataframes, so if we skippd `left_on`
# and `right_on` arguments we would still get the same result

# what's the size of the output data?


   record_id  month  day  year  district city tenure  hindfoot_length  \
0          1      7   16  1977        2         NL   M               32   
1          2      7   16  1977        3         NL   M               33   
2          3      7   16  1977        2         DM   F               37   
3          4      7   16  1977        7         DM   M               36   
4          5      7   16  1977        3         DM   M               35   
5          8      7   16  1977        1         DM   M               37   
6          9      7   16  1977        1         DM   F               34   
7          7      7   16  1977        2         PE   F              NaN   

   income       city_name   housing_zone   county  
0     NaN     Neotoma  albigula  Rodent  
1     NaN     Neotoma  albigula  Rodent  
2     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
3     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
4     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
5     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
6     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
7     NaN  Peromyscus  eremicus  Rodent  

The result of an inner join of survey and city is a new DataFrame that contains the combined set of columns from survey and city. It only contains rows that have two-letter housing_zone codes that are the same in both the survey and city DataFrames. In other words, if a row in survey has a value of city that does not appear in the city column of cities.csv, it will not be included in the DataFrame returned by an inner join. Similarly, if a row in city has a value of city that does not appear in the city column of survey, that row will not be included in the DataFrame returned by an inner join.

The two DataFrames that we want to join are passed to the merge function using the left and right argument. The left_on='city' argument tells merge to use the city column as the join key from survey (the left DataFrame). Similarly , the right_on='city' argument tells merge to use the city column as the join key from city (the right DataFrame). For inner joins, the order of the left and right arguments does not matter.

The result merged_inner DataFrame contains all of the columns from survey (record id, month, day, etc.) as well as all the columns from city (city, city_name, species, and county).

Notice that merged_inner has fewer rows than survey. This is an indication that there were rows in surveys_df with value(s) for city that do not exist as value(s) for city in city_df.

Left joins

What if we want to add information from city to survey without losing any of the information from survey? In this case, we use a different type of join called a “left outer join”, or a “left join”.

Like an inner join, a left join uses join keys to combine two DataFrames. Unlike an inner join, a left join will return all of the rows from the left DataFrame, even those rows whose join key(s) do not have values in the right DataFrame. Rows in the left DataFrame that are missing values for the join key(s) in the right DataFrame will simply have null (i.e., NaN or None) values for those columns in the resulting joined DataFrame.

Note: a left join will still discard rows from the right DataFrame that do not have values for the join key(s) in the left DataFrame.

Left Join

A left join is performed in pandas by calling the same merge function used for inner join, but using the how='left' argument:

merged_left = pd.merge(left=survey,right=city, how='left', left_on='city', right_on='city')



   record_id  month  day  year  district city tenure  hindfoot_length  \
0          1      7   16  1977        2         NL   M               32   
1          2      7   16  1977        3         NL   M               33   
2          3      7   16  1977        2         DM   F               37   
3          4      7   16  1977        7         DM   M               36   
4          5      7   16  1977        3         DM   M               35   
5          6      7   16  1977        1         PF   M               14   
6          7      7   16  1977        2         PE   F              NaN   
7          8      7   16  1977        1         DM   M               37   
8          9      7   16  1977        1         DM   F               34   
9         10      7   16  1977        6         PF   F               20   

   income       city_name   housing_zone   county  
0     NaN     Neotoma  albigula  Rodent  
1     NaN     Neotoma  albigula  Rodent  
2     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
3     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
4     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
5     NaN         NaN       NaN     NaN  
6     NaN  Peromyscus  eremicus  Rodent  
7     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
8     NaN   Dipodomys  merriami  Rodent  
9     NaN         NaN       NaN     NaN  

The result DataFrame from a left join (merged_left) looks very much like the result DataFrame from an inner join (merged_inner) in terms of the columns it contains. However, unlike merged_inner, merged_left contains the same number of rows as the original survey DataFrame. When we inspect merged_left, we find there are rows where the information that should have come from city (i.e., city, city_name, and county) is missing (they contain NaN values):

merged_left[ pd.isnull(merged_left.city_name) ]
   record_id  month  day  year  district city tenure  hindfoot_length  \
5          6      7   16  1977        1         PF   M               14   
9         10      7   16  1977        6         PF   F               20   

   income city_name housing_zone county  
5     NaN   NaN     NaN  NaN  
9     NaN   NaN     NaN  NaN

These rows are the ones where the value of city from survey (in this case, PF) does not occur in city.

Other join types

The pandas merge function supports two other join types:

  • Right (outer) join: Invoked by passing how='right' as an argument. Similar to a left join, except all rows from the right DataFrame are kept, while rows from the left DataFrame without matching join key(s) values are discarded.
  • Full (outer) join: Invoked by passing how='outer' as an argument. This join type returns the all pairwise combinations of rows from both DataFrames; i.e., the result DataFrame will NaN where data is missing in one of the dataframes. This join type is very rarely used.

Final Challenges

Challenge 1

Using the filters we learned earlier, show the yearly average income for low income households in king county.

In steps:

# select all king county records
king_county_records = merged_inner[merged_inner['county'] == 'King']

# select low income records from king county dataframe
low_inc_kc = king_county_records[king_county_records['income'] < 20]


Challenge 2 (together)

Move your code to complete the above challenge to a separate script.

Results are as follows:

 import pandas as pd

# Load in survey data
surveys_df = pd.read_csv('surveys.csv')

# Load in city lookup
city_df = pd.read_csv('city.csv')

# Merge survey and city file
merged_inner = pd.merge(left=surveys_df, right=city_df, left_on='city', right_on='city')

# select all low income household from king county (under 20k per year)
# show the average income over year

# select all king county records
king_county_records = merged_inner[merged_inner['county'] == 'King']

# select low income records from king county dataframe
low_inc_kc = king_county_records[king_county_records['income'] < 20]

# add a nice print statement
print 'script almost complete, writing to file'

# Write results to CSV

print 'script done!'

If there is time for some reason, add figure creation to the script

ax = low_inc_kc.groupby('year').mean()['income'].plot(kind='bar')
fig = ax.get_figure()