Sound Data Stories

urban planning data deep dives from PSRC


"Model City 2014" Conference in Seattle: Oct 15-17, 2014

posted by Billy Charlton on October 15, 2014
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PSRC is hosting the 23rd international user conference of INRO software products in Seattle this year! From October 15-17, Model City 2014 will bring together the many researchers and practitioners using INRO’s transportation planning software packages, including both the EMME travel modeling suite as well as the DYNAMEQ dynamic traffic assignment product.

Staff from PSRC will be presenting two works-in-progress. First, our Associate Planner Brice Nichols will present improvements to the way we model bicycle trips. He’s making sure that bicycle infrastructure such as bike paths and separated lanes correctly influence mode choice behavior in the model.

An initial pass at predicting bike volumes in central Seattle. There's a lot more we need to do to get the model to echo existing patterns, but major routes like the Burke-Gilman are showing up already.

An initial pass at predicting bike volumes in central Seattle. There's a lot more we need to do to get the model to echo existing patterns, but major routes like the Burke-Gilman are showing up already.

Source: PSRC SoundCast Travel Model Beta 1.0, 2010 base year

Second, Senior Modelers Stefan Coe and Suzanne Childress will be describing PSRC’s innovative use of data science technologies such as HDF5 and Git to help implement our activity-based model, SoundCast.

We’ll report back on the conference proceedings when we return.

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