Intro to ggplot2
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The ggplot2 library is a standard library for statistical graphing in R. This module will provide a high level overview of the background of ggplot2 in addition to several code-alongs to get you started. There is no end to what you can create with ggplot2! Given the amount of time in our session, you will at least know how to initiate a simple graph and understand the options and tools available to create elegant graphs.

Date: 1-12-2020

Instructor: Christy Lam

Assistants: Hana Ševčíková, Craig Helmann, Suzanne Childress, Polina Butrina


R and the RStudio IDE are required. See the first module on R Basics for guidance.

1. Please install the following libraries by running the following code snippet in the console of your RStudio IDE. Ignore any warnings regarding Rtools and if you are asked to install from sources which needs compilation, click 'No'.

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "openxlsx", "scales", "plotly", "reshape2", "lubridate", "htmlwidgets"))

2. Using different fonts will be optional. For R and ggplot2 to recognize fonts, it will require installing the extrafont library as well as other additional steps which may take at least 10-15 minutes. Please see instructions in Using fonts (for Windows).