Intro to Shiny

Dates: April 27, 2021, May 11, 2021
Instructor: Christy Lam
Assistants: Hana Ševčíková, Craig Helmann, Suzanne Childress, Polina Butrina

Shiny is a package that allows you to easily build interactive web applications. Web development skills aren’t required–all you need is R!

In this two part module, we’ll walk through how to get started, peek inside the anatomy of a Shiny app, and incorporate packages (from previous modules and introduce some new ones) to build a polished product.

Session One Session Two
Getting Started Reactivity - Delaying Reactions
Anatomy, Inputs & Outputs Packages I & II
Layout Styling
Reactivity Multi-file apps
Recording I (VPN required) Recording II (VPN required)