Translate psrccensus data to planning geographies
Translate psrccensus data to planning geographies
Translate psrccensus data to Regional Geography Classes
Translate psrccensus data to Regional Growth Centers
Translate psrccensus data to Regional Manufacturing-Industrial Centers
Translate psrccensus data to Traffic Analysis Zones
Translate psrccensus data to HCT Station Areas (VISION 2050)
Translate psrccensus data to 2020 Jurisdictional boundaries
census_to_rgs(df, wgt = "total_pop")
census_to_rgc(df, wgt = "total_pop")
census_to_mic(df, wgt = "total_pop")
census_to_taz(df, wgt = "total_pop")
census_to_hct(df, wgt = "total_pop")
census_to_juris(df, wgt = "total_pop")