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Generate decennial estimates for multiple tables by tracts, counties, MSAs, or places. Currently only working for SF1 tables.


  counties = c("King", "Kitsap", "Pierce", "Snohomish"),
  sumfile = "sf1",
  variables = NULL,
  table_codes = NULL,
  fips = NULL



A character string as either 'tract', 'county', 'block group', 'msa', or 'place'.


A character string or vector of counties. Defaults to PSRC counties.


A character string for which summary file to use such as "sf1" or "dp"


Numeric or a vector of numeric years. A decennial year or years equal or greater than 2000.


A character string or vector of Census variables


A character string or vector of Census table codes, the table code will be padded with 0s such as "H001", as opposed to "H1"


Character. Single code or vector of either MSA or place fips codes.


a tibble of decennial estimates by selected geography for selected table codes. Includes variable names.


Christy Lam


tbl_names <- paste0('PCT020', LETTERS[1:6])
get_decennial_recs(geography = 'county', table_codes = tbl_names, years = 2010)
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020A. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020B. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020C. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020D. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020E. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020F. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> # A tibble: 160 × 8
#>    GEOID NAME                         variable  value county  year label concept
#>    <chr> <chr>                        <chr>     <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>  
#>  1 53033 King County, Washington      PCT020F0…   972 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  2 53035 Kitsap County, Washington    PCT020F0…   208 53035   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  3 53053 Pierce County, Washington    PCT020F0…   381 53053   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  4 53061 Snohomish County, Washington PCT020F0…   132 53061   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  5 53033 King County, Washington      PCT020F0…   233 53033   2010 Tota… GROUP …
#>  6 53035 Kitsap County, Washington    PCT020F0…     7 53035   2010 Tota… GROUP …
#>  7 53053 Pierce County, Washington    PCT020F0…   208 53053   2010 Tota… GROUP …
#>  8 53061 Snohomish County, Washington PCT020F0…    52 53061   2010 Tota… GROUP …
#>  9 53033 King County, Washington      PCT020F0…   171 53033   2010 Tota… GROUP …
#> 10 53035 Kitsap County, Washington    PCT020F0…     2 53035   2010 Tota… GROUP …
#> # ℹ 150 more rows

get_decennial_recs(geography = 'county', table_codes = 'P001', years = c(2000, 2010))
#> Getting data from the 2000 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2000 from table P001. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table P001. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Concept for table codes may differ across Census years. Please double check with tidycensus::load_variables()
#> # A tibble: 10 × 8
#>    GEOID  NAME                        variable  value county  year label concept
#>    <chr>  <chr>                       <chr>     <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>  
#>  1 53033  King County, Washington     P001001  1.93e6 53033   2010 Total TOTAL …
#>  2 53035  Kitsap County, Washington   P001001  2.51e5 53035   2010 Total TOTAL …
#>  3 53053  Pierce County, Washington   P001001  7.95e5 53053   2010 Total TOTAL …
#>  4 53061  Snohomish County, Washingt… P001001  7.13e5 53061   2010 Total TOTAL …
#>  5 REGION Region                      P001001  3.69e6 NA      2010 Total TOTAL …
#>  6 53033  King County, Washington     P001001  1.74e6 53033   2000 Total TOTAL …
#>  7 53035  Kitsap County, Washington   P001001  2.32e5 53035   2000 Total TOTAL …
#>  8 53053  Pierce County, Washington   P001001  7.01e5 53053   2000 Total TOTAL …
#>  9 53061  Snohomish County, Washingt… P001001  6.06e5 53061   2000 Total TOTAL …
#> 10 REGION Region                      P001001  3.28e6 NA      2000 Total TOTAL …

get_decennial_recs(geography = 'tract', table_codes = tbl_names, years = 2010)
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020A. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020B. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020C. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020D. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020E. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT020F. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> # A tibble: 24,832 × 8
#>    GEOID       NAME                    variable value county  year label concept
#>    <chr>       <chr>                   <chr>    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>  
#>  1 53033000100 Census Tract 1, King C… PCT020F…     0 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  2 53033000200 Census Tract 2, King C… PCT020F…     0 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  3 53033000300 Census Tract 3, King C… PCT020F…     0 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  4 53033000401 Census Tract 4.01, Kin… PCT020F…     0 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  5 53033000402 Census Tract 4.02, Kin… PCT020F…     1 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  6 53033000500 Census Tract 5, King C… PCT020F…     0 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  7 53033000600 Census Tract 6, King C… PCT020F…     0 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  8 53033000700 Census Tract 7, King C… PCT020F…     1 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#>  9 53033000800 Census Tract 8, King C… PCT020F…     0 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#> 10 53033000900 Census Tract 9, King C… PCT020F…     0 53033   2010 Total GROUP …
#> # ℹ 24,822 more rows

get_decennial_recs(geography = 'place',
                   table_codes = 'PCT013',
                   years = 2010,
                   fips = c("5363000", "5308850"))
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table PCT013. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> # A tibble: 98 × 7
#>    GEOID   NAME                     variable   value  year label         concept
#>    <chr>   <chr>                    <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <chr>         <chr>  
#>  1 5308850 Burien city, Washington  PCT013001  33013  2010 Total         SEX BY…
#>  2 5363000 Seattle city, Washington PCT013001 583735  2010 Total         SEX BY…
#>  3 5308850 Burien city, Washington  PCT013002  16612  2010 Total!!Male   SEX BY…
#>  4 5363000 Seattle city, Washington PCT013002 290243  2010 Total!!Male   SEX BY…
#>  5 5308850 Burien city, Washington  PCT013003   1140  2010 Total!!Male!… SEX BY…
#>  6 5363000 Seattle city, Washington PCT013003  16424  2010 Total!!Male!… SEX BY…
#>  7 5308850 Burien city, Washington  PCT013004   1065  2010 Total!!Male!… SEX BY…
#>  8 5363000 Seattle city, Washington PCT013004  12919  2010 Total!!Male!… SEX BY…
#>  9 5308850 Burien city, Washington  PCT013005    947  2010 Total!!Male!… SEX BY…
#> 10 5363000 Seattle city, Washington PCT013005  10989  2010 Total!!Male!… SEX BY…
#> # ℹ 88 more rows

get_decennial_recs(geography = 'msa',
                   table_codes = c("H001", "P001"),
                   years = c(2000, 2010),
                   fips = c('42660', "28420"))
#> Getting data from the 2000 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2000 from table H001. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Error : Your API call has errors.  The API message returned is error: unknown/unsupported geography hierarchy.
#> Variables not found in Summary File 1. Trying Summary File 3...
#> [1] "API error, the year 2000 requested may not be available."
#> Getting data from the 2000 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2000 from table P001. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Error : Your API call has errors.  The API message returned is error: unknown/unsupported geography hierarchy.
#> Variables not found in Summary File 1. Trying Summary File 3...
#> [1] "API error, the year 2000 requested may not be available."
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table H001. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table P001. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Concept for table codes may differ across Census years. Please double check with tidycensus::load_variables()
#> # A tibble: 4 × 7
#>   GEOID NAME                                 variable  value  year label concept
#>   <chr> <chr>                                <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>  
#> 1 28420 Kennewick-Pasco-Richland, WA Metro … H001001  9.30e4  2010 Total HOUSIN…
#> 2 42660 Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Metro A… H001001  1.46e6  2010 Total HOUSIN…
#> 3 28420 Kennewick-Pasco-Richland, WA Metro … P001001  2.53e5  2010 Total TOTAL …
#> 4 42660 Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Metro A… P001001  3.44e6  2010 Total TOTAL …

get_decennial_recs(geography = 'block group',
                   table_codes = c('H001', 'H006'),
                   years = 2010)
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table H001. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Loading SF1 variables for 2010 from table H006. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using Census Summary File 1
#> # A tibble: 21,176 × 8
#>    GEOID        NAME                   variable value county  year label concept
#>    <chr>        <chr>                  <chr>    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>  
#>  1 530330001001 Block Group 1, Census… H006001    528 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#>  2 530330001002 Block Group 2, Census… H006001    591 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#>  3 530330001003 Block Group 3, Census… H006001    691 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#>  4 530330001004 Block Group 4, Census… H006001    769 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#>  5 530330001005 Block Group 5, Census… H006001    567 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#>  6 530330002001 Block Group 1, Census… H006001    429 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#>  7 530330002002 Block Group 2, Census… H006001    552 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#>  8 530330002003 Block Group 3, Census… H006001    781 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#>  9 530330002004 Block Group 4, Census… H006001    541 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#> 10 530330002005 Block Group 5, Census… H006001    669 53033   2010 Total RACE O…
#> # ℹ 21,166 more rows

                   years=2020, sumfile="dp")
#> Getting data from the 2020 decennial Census
#> Using FIPS code '53' for state 'WA'
#> Using FIPS code '033' for 'King County'
#> Using FIPS code '035' for 'Kitsap County'
#> Using FIPS code '053' for 'Pierce County'
#> Using FIPS code '061' for 'Snohomish County'
#> Using the Demographic Profile
#> # A tibble: 923 × 8
#>    GEOID       NAME                    variable value county  year label concept
#>    <chr>       <chr>                   <chr>    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>  
#>  1 53033000101 Census Tract 1.01; Kin… DP1_009…  3759 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#>  2 53033000102 Census Tract 1.02; Kin… DP1_009…  4321 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#>  3 53033000201 Census Tract 2.01; Kin… DP1_009…  4416 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#>  4 53033000202 Census Tract 2.02; Kin… DP1_009…  4099 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#>  5 53033000300 Census Tract 3; King C… DP1_009…  2820 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#>  6 53033000402 Census Tract 4.02; Kin… DP1_009…  5174 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#>  7 53033000403 Census Tract 4.03; Kin… DP1_009…  3074 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#>  8 53033000404 Census Tract 4.04; Kin… DP1_009…  4067 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#>  9 53033000500 Census Tract 5; King C… DP1_009…  3400 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#> 10 53033000601 Census Tract 6.01; Kin… DP1_009…  4074 53033   2020 Coun… PROFIL…
#> # ℹ 913 more rows