Handling big data with data.table
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A frequent criticism of R is its inefficiency in handling large datasets. That's where the R package data.table enters the scene. If your datasets have more than tens of thousands of rows, the data.table package is a must. In this module, you will learn the flexible and intuitive syntax of the package, which allows for time and memory efficient aggregations of huge datasets as well as fast input and output operations. data.table is a package to fall in love with and never handle data in any other way.

Date: 2-23-2021

Instructor: Hana Ševčíková

Assistants: Christy Lam, Craig Helmann, Suzanne Childress, Polina Butrina


R and the RStudio IDE are required. See the first module on R Basics for guidance.

Please install the following libraries by running the following code:


This html layout was created by Christy Lam. Thank you Christy!