Sound Data Stories

urban planning data deep dives from PSRC


Sound Data Stories demystifies complex data to help guide urban planning in the Puget Sound Region. Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) data staff produce this site. PSRC also has a general-interest blog about regional issues.

Shiny Data Visualization for Urban Planning

Shiny Data Visualization for Urban Planning

Why do we use Shiny to visualize urban planning data?

Over the past several years, the PSRC data science team has deployed several Shiny apps that create interactive web data visualizations to inform regional urban planning.

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Women's transportation needs

Women's transportation needs

Women’s Diverse Travel Needs Often Go Overlooked

Women have transportation needs that have not historically been met in urban environments. The regional transportation system was traditionally designed around the need to quickly get to work at central locations... » Read More

Why I like R

Why I like R

In the data science world there has often been a debate on whether R or Python is the better language. The debate may be less heated now given that recent technologies have allowed better integration of both languages within teams... » Read More

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