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Agency standard category schemes

In light of sample sizes, breakdowns from PSRC’s Household Travel Survey instrument often involve category groupings with less than the most granular reported level of detail. psrc.travelsurvey functions provide the most commonly utilized groupings, which can be considered agency standard for the variables of interest. Although each new variable is specific to one unit of analysis (i.e. hh, person, day, trip, vehicle), the first and only argument to each grouping function is the entire hts_data object, in order to facilitate piping. When more than one standard grouping exists for a variable, the function returns them all, for convenience; they can be distinguished by a suffix denoting the number of categories.


# Specify which variables to retrieve
vars <- c("age", "hhsize")

# Retrieve the data
hts_data <- get_psrc_hts(survey_year=2023, survey_vars = vars) 

# Add standard groupings for age and household size
# -- Notice age and hhsize use different tables (person, hh)
# -- but you don't need to worry about that; the package knows
hts_data <- hts_data %>% 
  hts_bin_age() %>%

hts_data$person[, head(.SD), .SDcols=patterns("^age")]
#>            age       age_bin5       age_bin3
#>          <ord>         <fctr>         <fctr>
#> 1: 45-54 years    45-64 Years    18-64 Years
#> 2: 16-17 years Under 18 Years Under 18 Years
#> 3: 12-15 years Under 18 Years Under 18 Years
#> 4: 35-44 years    25-44 Years    18-64 Years
#> 5: 25-34 years    25-44 Years    18-64 Years
#> 6: 45-54 years    45-64 Years    18-64 Years

These functions each require a disaggregate input variable to be requested in the earlier get_psrc_hts() call. Both the input variable and the output variable are included in the resulting hts_data object.

Currently, the following functions exist, along with the required input variable.

Function Input variable Output variable(s) Breakpoints
hts_bin_income() hhincome_broad hhincome_bin3 /
$50K ]( $100K or
$25K ]( $50K ]( $75K ]( $100K
hts_bin_hhsize() hhsize hhsize_bin4 1 • 2 • 3 • 4+
hts_bin_vehicle_count() vehicle_count vehicle_count_bin4 1 • 2 • 3 • 4+
hts_bin_rent_own() rent_own rent_own_bin2 rent • own
hts_bin_age() age adult / age_bin3 /
18[ or 18 )[ 64 )[ 65 or
18 )[ 25 )[ 45 )[ 65
hts_bin_worker() employment worker worker • non-worker
hts_bin_edu() education edu_bin2 Less )[ Bachelors+
hts_bin_gender() gender gender_bin3 m • f • nb/oth
hts_bin_sexuality() sexuality sexuality_bin3 hetero • LGBTQ+ • Missing
hts_bin_commute_freq() commute_freq commute_freq_bin6 Less • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5+ days/week
hts_bin_commute_mode() commute_mode commute_mode_bin5 SOV • HOV • trnst • w/b • oth
hts_bin_lum_sector() industry lum_sector (13 sectors)
hts_bin_industry_sector() industry industry_sector (8 sectors)
hts_bin_telecommute_freq() telecommute_freq telecommute_freq_bin4 Less )[ 1 )[ 3 )[ 5+
hts_bin_telework_time() telework_time telework_time_bin3 Less )[ 3 )[ 6 hrs
hts_bin_dest_purpose() dest_purpose dest_purpose_bin4 /
Home • Work • Social/Rec/Eat • Errand
hts_bin_mode() mode_class mode_basic Walk/Bike/Other • Transit • Carpool • Drive alone
hts_bin_transit_acc_mode() mode_acc, mode_class transit_mode_acc Walked or jogged • Bike/Micromobility • Vehicular