R Fundamentals I


Introduction to R and RStudio

  • Use the escape key to cancel incomplete commands or running code (Ctrl+C) if you’re using R from the shell.
  • Basic arithmetic operations follow standard order of precedence:
    • Brackets: (, )
    • Exponents: ^ or **
    • Divide: /
    • Multiply: *
    • Add: +
    • Subtract: -
  • Scientific notation is available, e.g: 2e-3
  • Anything to the right of a # is a comment, R will ignore this!
  • Functions are denoted by function_name(). Expressions inside the brackets are evaluated before being passed to the function, and functions can be nested.
  • Mathematical functions: exp, sin, log, log10, log2 etc.
  • Comparison operators: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=
  • Use all.equal to compare numbers!
  • <- is the assignment operator. Anything to the right is evaluated, then stored in a variable named to the left.
  • ls lists all variables and functions you’ve created
  • rm can be used to remove them
  • When assigning values to function arguments, you must use =.

Seeking help:

  • ? or help() to seek help for a function.
  • ?? to search for a function.
  • Wrap special operators in quotes when searching for help: help("+").
  • CRAN Task Views.
  • stackoverflow.

Data structures

Basic data structures in R:

  • atomic ?vector (can only contain one type)
  • ?matrix two dimensional objects that can contain only one type of data.
  • ?factor vectors that contain predefined categorical data.
  • ?array multi-dimensional objects that can only contain one type of data
  • ?list (containers for other objects)
  • ?data.frame two dimensional objects whose columns can contain different types of data

Remember that matrices are really atomic vectors underneath the hood, and that data.frames are really lists underneath the hood (this explains some of the weirder behaviour of R).

Data types:

  • ?numeric real (decimal) numbers
  • ?integer whole numbers only
  • ?character text
  • ?complex complex numbers
  • ?logical TRUE or FALSE values

Special types:

  • ?NA missing values
  • ?NaN “not a number” for undefined values (e.g. 0/0).
  • ?Inf, -Inf infinity.
  • ?NULL a data structure that doesn’t exist

NA can occur in any atomic vector. NaN, and Inf can only occur in complex, integer or numeric type vectors. Atomic vectors are the building blocks for all other data structures. A NULL value will occur in place of an entire data structure (but can occur as list elements).

Useful functions for querying data structures:

  • ?str structure, prints out a summary of the whole data structure
  • ?typeof tells you the type inside an atomic vector
  • ?class what is the data structure?
  • ?head print the first n elements (rows for two-dimensional objects)
  • ?tail print the last n elements (rows for two-dimensional objects)
  • ?rownames, ?colnames, ?dimnames retrieve or modify the row names and column names of an object.
  • ?names retrieve or modify the names of an atomic vector or list (or columns of a data.frame).
  • ?length get the number of elements in an atomic vector
  • ?nrow, ?ncol, ?dim get the dimensions of a n-dimensional object (Won’t work on atomic vectors or lists).

Reading data

  • ?read.table to read in data in a regular structure
    • sep argument to specify the separator
      • “,” for comma separated
      • “” for tab separated
    • Other arguments:
      • header=TRUE if there is a header row
  • ?read.csv is a shortcut for read.table for comma separated files with header.
  • getwd() gives the current working directory.
  • setwd(dir) sets the working directory to dir.

Data subsetting

  • Elements can be accessed by:
    • Index
    • Name
  • : to generate a sequence of numbers to extract slices
  • [ single square brackets:
    • extract single elements or subset:
      • vectors
    • extract single elements of a list
    • extract columns from a data.frame
  • [ with two arguments to:
    • extract rows and/or columns of
      • matrices
      • data.frames
  • [[ double square brackets to subset lists
  • $ to access columns or list elements by name
  • negative indices skip elements
  • subset to extract a subset of a dataset or vector which meet a logical condition.
  • Chaining logical operations:
    • &, | logical AND, OR (elementwise comparison)
    • ! logical NOT (elementwise comparison)
    • &&, || logical AND, OR (compares one element only)


  • Most functions and operations apply to each element of a vector
  • * applies element-wise to matrices
  • %*% for true matrix multiplication
  • any() will return TRUE if any element of a vector is TRUE
  • all() will return TRUE if all elements of a vector are TRUE
  • sum(), mean(), median(), min(), max() return summary statistics (one value) for all elements passed in (can be one or more vectors or matrices).
  • apply() will perform given operation across matrix/array dimension(s):
    • argument MARGIN = 1 - across rows
    • argument MARGIN = 2 - across columns
  • rowSums(x) (for summing rows) is the same as apply(x, 1, sum)
  • colSums(x) (for summing columns) is the same as apply(x, 2, sum)
  • rowMeans() and colMeans() is equivalent to apply(x, 1, means) and apply(x, 2, means), respectively.

Simple plots

  • plot(x, y) for scatter plots and line plots
  • hist(x) for histogram
  • abline() for straight lines (vertical, horizontal, diagonal)