Now that we have the data formatted where each row is the latest single inspection record for a restaurant, let’s see what we can find out!

#05- play-with-data

#### Playing with the Data ####

#How do the inspection score vary by city?

# Average and Max Score by City
score_by_city<-rest_df_filtered %>% group_by(CITY) %>% summarize(avg_score= mean(SCORE_INSPECTION),
                                                                 max_score = max(SCORE_INSPECTION),
                                                                 n_rests = n())


# some of the cities have very few restaurants; let's remove those

score_city_sufficient <- score_by_city %>% filter(n_rests>50)

#dplyr works great with ggplot to make plots.  

ggplot(data=score_city_sufficient, aes(x=CITY, y=avg_score)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity")+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))+
  ggtitle("Average Restaurant Inspection Score by City") +
  xlab("City") + ylab("Average Restaurant Score")

# does the average score just correlate with number of restaurants?
ggplot(data=score_city_sufficient, aes(x=n_rests, y=avg_score)) +
  geom_point()+ggtitle("Average Restaurant Inspection Score by Number of Restaurants") +
  xlab("Number of Restaurants") + ylab("Average Restaurant Score")

# Seattle throws everything off  
score_city_sufficient_not_too_many <- score_city_sufficient %>% filter(n_rests<100)
ggplot(data=score_city_sufficient_not_too_many, aes(x=n_rests, y=avg_score)) +
  geom_point()+ggtitle("Average Restaurant Inspection Score by Number of Restaurants") +
  xlab("Number of Restaurants") + ylab("Average Restaurant Score")

# What is the info on the restaurant with the worst score by city?

worst_by_city<-rest_df_filtered %>% group_by(CITY) %>% top_n(1, SCORE_INSPECTION)

# What was the data on the restaurant I liked?

bizzaro_df_filtered <- rest_df_filtered %>% dplyr::filter(str_detect(NAME, 'BIZZARRO'))


  1. Find your a restaurant of your choice and get the latest data.
  2. Go back to the big dataset and find the worst violation of a restaurant you want.
  3. Make a table that shows grouped RISK category and the average and max SCORE_INSPECTION
  4. Make a table that shows grouped SEAT_CAP and the average and max SCORE_INSPECTION
  5. Find out which VIOLATIONDESCR is associated with the the highest SCORE_INSPECTION
  6. Make a barplot that shows the maximum inspection score by city.