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The psrcplot package uses PSRC’s default font, Poppins.

The package includes a way for R to access it temporarily; this leaves some stuff behind in your user\AppData\local\Temp directory. Since the agency uses Poppins so extensively, it makes sense for staff to install it permanently–however, you’ll need to enable all users access to it if R is to utilize that version rather than go back to its own temporary install.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Download the font family (a .zipfile archive) from
  2. Extract/unzip the folder, select all the included font files, and right-click
  3. Select “Install for all users” - without this, R will not see it.
  4. Reboot

The font should be installed in the C:\Windows\Fonts directory. To verify it is visible to R, confim the following returns TRUE:

"Poppins" %in% sysfonts::font_files()$family
## [1] TRUE