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As mentioned in the introduction, psrcplot has static versions of bar, column, line, bubble, and treemap plots. Here we illustrate using a simple bar plot, with American Community Survey (ACS) data from the Census Bureau.

Prepare & examine the underlying data

The example data measure mode share by race for the PSRC region:


mode_shares <- mode_share_example_data %>% 
 filter(Category=="Mode to Work by Race" & Geography=="Region" & Race=="Total") %>%
 select(-c(Category, Geography, Race)) %>% mutate(Year = as.character(Year))

##   Year   count count_moe       share   share_moe           Mode
## 1 2010  403369 10836.103 0.711037977 0.013813036           Auto
## 2 2010   55723  6004.193 0.098225618 0.010230358   Bike or Walk
## 3 2010   70898  5562.850 0.124975322 0.009625501        Transit
## 4 2010   32929  3189.047 0.058045535 0.005640161 Worked at Home
## 5 2010    4314  1340.329 0.007604496 0.002325416          Other
## 6 2015 1577787 15808.465 0.785575621 0.006157014           Auto

Using psrccensus static_??_chart() functions

To create a bar plot, call the function static_bar_chart(), specifying t as the underlying table. Note that for bar charts the x variable should be numeric (as quantities are represented on the x axis) and the y variable should be discrete/categorical.

modes_chart <- static_bar_chart(
                    t=mode_shares, y="Mode",x="share", fill="Year",
                    title="Mode Share to Work",
                    alt="Chart of Work Mode Shares",
                    source=paste("Source: ACS 5-Year Estimates, table B3002",
                                 "for King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties.",
                                 sep = "\n"),


Exporting a static chart

To save a static chart programmatically, use the ggplot2::ggsave() function. You can also use the Plots->Export menu or right-click -> “Save as” in RStudio.

ggsave(filename='modes_bar_chart.png', plot=modes_chart, device='png')
## Saving 7.29 x 4.51 in image