Create Static Facet Column Charts
This function allows you to create facet column charts based on ggplot2's facet_wrap().
pos = "dodge",
moe = NULL,
est = NULL,
ncol = 3,
scales = "free",
dec = 0,
color = "pgnobgy_5",
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
source = "",
alt = NULL,
- t
A tibble or dataframe in long form for plotting
- x
The name of the variable you want plotted on the X-Axis
- y
The name of the variable you want plotted on the Y-Axis
- fill
The name of the variable you want the fill color of the bars to be based on
- pos
The position of the columns, either "dodge" or "stack" - defaults to "dodge"
- facet
The name of the variable to be the facets
- moe
The name of the variable to be used for error bars, if desired - default to "NULL"
- est
Type for the numeric values - enter "percent", "currency" or "number", defaults to "percent"
- ncol
Value for the number of columns in your facet - defaults to 3
- scales
Value for axis in facets, either "fixed" or "free" - defaults to "free"
- dec
Number of decimal points in labels - defaults to 0
- color
Name of color palette to use - generally defaults to "pgnobgy_5"
- title
Title to be used for chart, if desired - defaults to "NULL"
- subtitle
Sub-title to be used for chart, if desired - defaults to "NULL"
- source
Source reference as character string, if desired - defaults to blank
- alt
Text to be used for alt-text, if desired - defaults to "NULL"
- ...
additional arguments passed to
# Read in the example data and filter to 2020 Population by Race by County
df <- mode_share_example_data %>%
filter(Category=="Population by Race" & Year==2020) %>%
filter(Race !="Total")
my_facet <- static_facet_column_chart(t = df,
x = "Geography",
y = "share",
fill = "Geography",
facet = "Race",
moe = 'share_moe',
ncol = 4,
scales = "fixed",
color = "pgnobgy_5",
title = "Population by Race 2020",
subtitle = "For counties in the Central Puget Sound Region",
source = paste("Source: ACS 5-Year Estimates, table B03002",
"for King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties.",
sep = "\n"))
df2 <- mode_share_example_data %>%
filter(Category=="Population by Race" & Year==2020) %>%
filter(Geography != "Region", Race !="Total")
my_facet2 <- static_facet_column_chart(t = df2,
x = "Race",
y = "share",
fill = "Race",
facet = "Geography",
ncol = 2,
moe = 'share_moe',
scales = "fixed",
color = "psrc_light",
title = "Population by Race 2020",
subtitle = "For counties in the Central Puget Sound Region",
source = paste("Source: ACS 5-Year Estimates, table B03002",
"for King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties.",
sep = "\n"))
df3 <- mode_share_example_data %>%
filter(Category == "Population by Race" & Year %in% c(2010, 2020)) %>%
mutate(Year = as.character(Year)) %>%
filter(Race !="Total")
my_facet3 <- static_facet_column_chart(t = df3,
x = "Race",
y = "share",
fill = "Year",
facet = "Geography",
ncol = 2,
moe = 'share_moe',
scales = "fixed",
color = "psrc_light",
title = "Population by Race 2020",
subtitle = "For counties in the Central Puget Sound Region",
source = paste("Source: ACS 5-Year Estimates, table B03002",
"for King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties.",
sep = "\n"))