Shiny Cousins and Friends

The Shiny-verse

As you explore more of what Shiny has to offer, you may run across other packages that are a derivative of Shiny such as Shinydashboard and Flexdashboard, which may leave you wondering, what’s the difference between Shiny and these off-shoot packages?


Shiny, being the original package, has a lot of the infrastructure and pieces needed to create a customized app. Shiny can implement any layout and requires a server behind it to run R code.


A common UI design among Shiny apps is the dashboard–a layout providing an at-a-glace view of information. Shinydashboard was created to make it easier to create a dashboard that worked on top of Shiny.

Shinydashboard also has unique widgets of its own that give it a more ‘classic’ dashboard look. It includes a variety of boxes (display, info, and value) to embed and comprises a header, sidebar, and body.

Since it requires Shiny, running a Shinydashboard will require a server.


Flexdashboard is another package to easily create dashboards but there are a couple of things that set it apart from shinydashboard.